Headlines Edition

Tuesday Headlines: There’s always someone savvier.

Hostilities escalate outside Damascus; yesterday was the deadliest day in the area in three years.

A sentiment analysis of every one of Trump's 2,551 tweets during his first year in office—a third are negative.

Facebook plans to send physical postcards with verification codes to anyone trying to purchase election-related ads.

There exists another filter bubble that affects the majority of people reading this article: The average producer of online content is far more internet-savvy than the average consumer of online content. Trolls rely on the “savviness gap” to lure victims (and voters) with obvious hoaxes that work well enough.

Scientists don't know why, but elderly people with high cognitive function have more of a specific type of neuron.

Vampire bats' genetically distinct immune systems have presumably made them resilient to many blood-borne diseases.

A Google algorithm can detect heart disease with 70% accuracy using eye scans.

“Investigations should be instituted on new stores when opened and you should recognize the excellent target these stores represent for penetration by racial sources,” he ordered. In 1968, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI targeted black-owned bookstores, convinced they spread militant black nationalism.

A roundup of architecture enthusiasts' reactions to the on-screen realization of the Afrofuturist utopia of Wakanda.

The future of smart cities is happening now at ski resorts, where user data is tracked and crunched to the extreme.

A new museum exhibit reconstructs ancient sculpture to show how it looked when it was fully, colorfully painted.

Flight paths are loud: A hyper-detailed, interactive map of Berlin's noise pollution.

A troubling loophole of Delaware's extensive corporate privacy laws: They shield human traffickers' identities.

Historical pollen distribution stats show humans reversed Earth's long-term cooling trend.

Preparing a menu of fantasy foods based on Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness.