Headlines Edition

Tuesday headlnes: Mask twice

President Biden says he’s hopeful that the US soon can ramp up its capacity to administer 1.5 million vaccine shots daily. / POLITICO

In just a month, Israel has vaccinated over a quarter of its 9.2 million people. / The Associated Press

One Israeli healthcare group reports a 60 percent reduction in coronavirus infections three weeks after the first shot is administered. / The Times of Israel

Riots continue to rage in the Netherlands against newly imposed coronavirus restrictions. / BBC News

More than 40% of Americans now live in areas running out of ICU space. / The Associated Press

America, it’s time to start “double-masking.” / The Cut

Meanwhile, Gov. Newsom cancels California’s Covid-19 stay-at-home orders. / The Los Angeles Times

Related: What it’s like to live in California’s mess of restrictions right now. / Twitter

The House formally delivers an article of impeachment charging Donald Trump with inciting insurrection. / The Washington Post

President Biden reverses the previous administration’s ban on transgender people serving in the armed forces. / BuzzFeed News

Janet Yellen becomes the first woman to lead the Treasury Department. / NPR

The White House resumes the effort to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. / Marketwatch

Sen. Leahy, the longest-serving member of the Senate, third in the presidential line of succession, has appeared in five Batman movies. / CNN 

Making the claim that a picture of Bohr, Curie, Einstein, et al, is "the smartest photo ever taken." / Open Culture

A Dog Pissing at the Edge of a Path wins the “Oddest Book Title of the Year” award. / The Bookseller

Rolling Stone seeks "thought leaders" who are willing to pay $2,000 to publish on its website. / The Guardian

See also: A former Rolling Stone writer discovers that a vocal injury changed his life. / The Guardian

For local nonprofit news, 2020 was “a very good year, and 2021 will be even better.” / Poynter

Smaller services like Substack are coming under scrutiny now that the big platforms have warmed to aggressive moderation. / OneZero

Spotify radio is great, but perhaps you miss hearing a DJ? A neural network does its best Casey Kasem. / The Morning News

You’ve heard that US intelligence is opening its UFO files. Well, meet the curious case of ‘Oumuamua and “its strange acceleration.” / NBC News, The New Yorker

Photographs of synchronized swimmers in the wild, by Eva Watkins. / It's Nice That