We had a link error in yesterday's newsletter regarding the story about Covid-19 deaths in red and blue states. Here's the proper link.
Residents in half of Shanghai brace for the second phase of a citywide lockdown. / The Guardian
Three-quarters of children worldwide who experienced the death of a parent during the pandemic lost their fathers. / STAT
Multiple strikes around the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv suggest Moscow is in no hurry to conclude its invasion of Ukraine. / The New York Times
Jen Kirby on why Ukraine staying out of NATO might be a way to end the war. / Vox
How to help refugees and victims of the war, wrong answers only. Unrelated: the phones of Ukrainian president Zelensky. / Electrospaces
"You should not begin your day with the illusion that what surrounds you is a stable world." / Real Life
President Biden signs legislation to make lynching a federal hate crime. / The Hill
Billboards pop up in some of Florida's largest cities encouraging people to "say gay." / NBC News
Products like Doritos and Gatorade are experiencing "shrinkflation," as companies stick to prices but not volumes. / Business Insider
Eighty percent of manufactured scents are "functional perfumes" used in laundry detergents and personal products. / The Paris Review
New York City pays people to film idling trucks. Taipei pays people who don't clean up behind their dogs. / Marginal Revolution, Twitter
A photographer in Washington makes digital recreations of old TV game show sets. / Ironic Sans
A Gen Z spin on TikTok vs. Facebook: "The way I present myself on TikTok is a way more accurate reflection of who I am when compared to my Instagram profile." / Nylon
If you use Google Chrome to browse the web, you can open each new tab with a work of modern art. / Kottke