The United States Senate passes legislation to protect same-sex and interracial marriage. Meanwhile, a court in Japan upholds a ban. / CNN, Reuters
The White House asks Congress to avert a rail strike, which could cost the American economy as much as $2 billion per day. / Voice of America
Jay Caspian Kang: The future of organized labor is in places that cut against stereotypes, like graduate schools. / The New Yorker
San Francisco considers allowing cops to use robots to kill suspects. / NPR
New York City plans to begin hospitalizing mentally ill people from the city's streets even if they aren't posing a risk to others. / Axios
A quick look at how cities around the world manage their homeless populations. / The New York Times
Regarding news about the breakthrough Alzheimer's drug: "It is a proof of principle. Hope for more good news soon." / BBC News, The Economist
New York's moratorium on cryptocurrency mining last week, the nation's first, may be a harbinger for other states to follow suit. / Curbed
A deep-faked Mark Zuckerberg thanks lawmakers for failing to regulate big tech. (Here's the video.) / Bloomberg
French baguettes, facing decline, get UNESCO heritage status. / France24
Related: Caffeine-free Diet Coke "is what helicopter parents give their children when they think Sprite is too sugary and LaCroix is too spicy." / Gawker
It's very rare to find pairs of identical twins who don't have similar exercise habits. One study found 17 of them. / Outside Magazine
Billie Eilish does the same interview for a sixth year in a row. / YouTube