Headlines edition

Wednesday headlines: Cheap. Popular. And illegal.

In the Midwest, government weather forecasters have logged reports of more than 500 tornadoes in 30 days.

Weeks of heavy rain result in historic flooding that’s swamping Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Meanwhile: An overview of the White House's new plans to undermine the National Climate Assessment.

Your obsolete but timely word for the week: "dungeonable." Malicious, damnable; roguish, "devilish."

Britain has gone for more than eight days without using coal to generate electricity.

Unless our economy fundamentally changes, American cities will never be “finished” with preventing and alleviating homelessness.

From December, but ever pertinent: A letter from a homeless woman to NIMBY types who want people like her sent to a concentration camp.

A Chinese cafe chain sells a coffee that arrives with a cloud that "rains" sugar.

Inspired by his dad's diabetes, a Mexican scientist devised a way to turn wasted corn cobs into a sugar alternative.

RIP, the truly lovely Tony Horwitz, who suffered a cardiac arrest this week at age 60 while on tour for his latest book.

In 2018, the TSA collected $960,105 in loose change at airports. The money gets spent on security improvements.

Officials don’t believe that New York City is ready for electric scooters.

An oldie but a goodie: Nick Paumgarten explores the lives of elevators.

See also: Things done by the sort of people who press elevator buttons that are already lit.

Women playing pro basketball have practiced against men for decades—partly to maintain their own league’s parity.

Interviews with incels getting cosmetic surgery and the Indiana doctor who’s doing the work.

The success of David McCullough's new book about pioneers shows the gap between critical thinking and “popular history.”

"Like so many middle-aged curmudgeons, he is primarily preoccupied with what inconveniences him." Very good stuff on Brett Easton Ellis.