The world surpasses half a billion known cases of the novel coronavirus, but it's most likely an undercount. / Axios
According to Merriam-Webster, "Covid-19" was the fastest term ever to be accepted in the dictionary. / The Los Angeles Review of Books
Millions of people in Shanghai are confined to their homes, struggling to get daily supplies, as the city's tally of new Covid cases rebounds to more than 25,000. / Fortune, Reuters
China's Omicron outbreak, inflation in the United States, and Europe's energy crisis and portend a downturn in the world economy. / The Economist
Unrelated: Japan's Princess Mako, having given up her title to marry a non-royal, becomes an unpaid intern in New York City. / The Cut
What we know about Tuesday's subway shooting in Brooklyn's Sunset Park: 29 people injured, 10 people injured, and yet again, gun violence is a public safety issue. / Gothamist
Road rage shootings are on the rise in Texas. In Austin last year, cops noted 160 episodes of drivers pointing or firing a gun. / The New York Times
Vermont struggles to absorb newcomers from Northern California and Colorado looking for safe haven from climate change. / Yale Environment 360
Elizabeth Kolbert chronicles the case of a lake suing a developer in Florida to protect itself. / The New Yorker
A pair of small studies on psilocybin therapy find rapid and sustained improvement in participants with severe depression. / BBC News
Related/unrelated: What happens to your body if you eat poisonous mushrooms. (Cell death and vomiting.) / ScienceNordic
A raunchy, new Netflix cartoon offers a surprisingly persuasive episode on how to process grief. / The Daily Beast
From December: Philosophy students in Kentucky learn ethics through circus classes. "By most accounts, it is amazing." / Aesthetics for Birds
Who knew? The roots of the word "algorithm" go back to the ninth century in modern-day Iran. / The Morning News