Headlines edition

Wednesday headlines: Ghosting the machine.

Thousands of Venezuelans make for Peru, fleeing their crashing nation, with hopes of acquiring residency before a deadline.

How Trump's “birthright” idea went from the fringes of conservative thinking to the Oval Office.

A company seemingly run by a pro-Trump conspiracy theorist offered to pay women to make false sexual harassment claims against Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Democrats earn four Pinocchios for using statewide numbers for people with preexisting conditions for votes concerning the AHCA.

A victory won by treachery gave one a title for superior intelligence. And indeed most people are more ready to call villainy cleverness than simple-mindedness honesty. “The most profound and convincing historian of empire,” Thucydides knew a lot about today’s politics.

One book links the violent far right in America with every Russian military officer above the rank of colonel.

Fiction sales dropped 16 percent between 2013 and 2017. Publishers’ theories blame binge watching, brand-name authors, and Trump.

The student loan debt crisis is getting worse. But that doesn’t mean it represents a systemic financial sector risk.

"I couldn't make the math work in America." A man relocates to a jungle in India to escape his student debt.

Socialists could be more vocal about their ability to incorporate innovation—and even the market—into a mixed economy.

A loophole exempts public pensions from the “prudent man” rule that forbids overly risky investments. Wall Street is gleefully aware.

Two years later, San Diego declares an end to the hepatitis A outbreak that killed 20 and sickened nearly 600.

Why Twitter should kill the retweet: it exploits users’ worst instincts.

A very big "thank you" to TMN’s Supporting Members. The lights are on thanks to you!

Space agencies are reluctant to predict a timeline for a crewed Moon base, but it’s definitely on their mind.

An interview with photographer John A. Chakeres, who collaborated with NASA for six years.

In a #MeToo spin on Halloween cinema, filmmaker Sophy Romvari and a friend share stories of creepy encounters with men.

Ashlee Clark Thompson explains how Amazon’s new stores counter everything she knows about being black and shopping.

Fridge Detective is a Reddit thread where you post a picture of your refrigerator and strangers explain your life.

Jenny Gao talks about what it takes to produce your homemade hot sauce at scale.

The cost of beef: 50 Cent claims he purchased 200 front-row tickets for an upcoming Ja Rule concert, just so he could leave them empty.

Not everyone knows that N.W.A. started out as a roller-rink band.

Happy Halloween, friends. Keep an eye out for any paddleboarding witches.

See also: “Being a serious witch takes a great degree of dedication, diligence, and introspection, three concepts I generally prefer to avoid in my personal life.”