Headlines edition

Wednesday headlines: Keep smiling!

Syrian government airstrikes have killed at least 200 people over the past two days on the outskirts of Damascus.

Sixty-two percent of Americans fault Trump for not doing more to prevent mass shootings; sixty-six percent now support stronger gun laws.

Trump’s talk about regulating bump stocks is, again, likely only window dressing.

A bump stock maker ran a President’s Day special last weekend, and now its site is down after too many visits from eager buyers.

“You came through big for me, and I am going to come through for you,” Trump promised at the NRA’s convention last year. “To the NRA, I can proudly say I will never, ever let you down.” Worth remembering.

American teachers know that one day they may need to die for their students.

Inspired by Three Billboards, three real-life billboards in Miami troll Florida Senator Marc Rubio over gun control.

Thirteen percent of guns are purchased without a background check—not 40 percent, as Bernie Sanders likes to claim.

Despite hitting a record low in 2016, reported cases of measles jumped by 400% in Europe last year.

The pace at which cash is vanishing in Sweden, the most cashless society on the planet, has authorities worried.

Video: Developing countries get diabetes, too.

Venezuela’s new digital currency, the “petro,” is backed by oil reserves.

Apple and carmakers vie for control over cobalt, which is used to make batteries.

Yuri Milner, who owns eight percent of Facebook, has been coy about his funding. Much came from the Kremlin.

For decades, NYPD officers have used flimsy arrests as a scheme for generating overtime pay.

Malcolm Harris: Capitalism created a planned economy. It’s called Amazon.

Two meteorologists explain how the “Fujiwhara Effect” applies to Trump—his scandals are lessened for being among so many.

Poor people in India have the world’s biggest smiles, says Donald Trump, Jr.

In other news: Donald Trump Jr. likes conspiracy theories about students who survived the Florida massacre.

A straight white guy tries to explain to other (easily offended) straight white guys what “privilege” means.

See also: what is intersectionality and what does it have to do with me?

In remote northern Ethiopia, a lone priest makes an 800-foot climb each day, barefoot and without ropes, to reach a church carved out from the side of a mountain.

The legacy of Doug and Kris Tompkins, founders of The North Face and Esprit, is a National Park System in Chile.

How a small town in North Carolina became the world’s greatest producer of NBA talent.

A round-up of things that people found between the pages of old books.