Headlines Edition

Wednesday headlines: Let’s Sandman.

Winners from night one of the second Democratic debate: Warren, Delaney, and “Republican talking point.”

For tonight’s round two, expect to see Harris and Biden square off again. Here’s a guide to where 2020 Democrats stand on various policies.

"Race and politics is really the story of our time." The media needs to stop ignoring race while gleefully covering Trump.

North Korea launches two short-range ballistic missiles, the second such launch in less than a week.

Labor violations are rife at LA's Korean barbecue restaurants, where employees are often exploited, and sometimes even maimed at work.

Opioid prescription lengths will be cut for the nine million federal workers who are on the world's largest job-based health plan.

Cocaine deaths in the US are up, likely due to lacing with other substances—combinations that may have unknown side effects.

A new bill in Congress would ban Snapstreaks, YouTube autoplay, and endless scrolling.

Humans think they’re in charge, but it’s mosquitos who rule the world—and have, arguably, been deadlier than wars.

"200,000 years of not going extinct from nuclear war doesn't count for much." Calculating humanity's odds of extinction.

To replicate solar winds and better understand the Sun's phenomena, scientists built a "mini-Sun" at the University of Wisconsin.

Scientists say clouds are moving higher in the atmosphere and toward the poles, trapping heat and exposing Earth to more sunlight.

A mesmerizing animation of how our solar system travels through the Milky Way.

Photographer Lauren Orchowski's “The Observable Universe, Near and Far” series locates the celestial in our daily lives.

For Rax King, life after an abusive husband began with an unlikely figure: Guy Fieri.

A study finds that children think men with beards look stronger, but not good.

Some wealthy families are relinquishing guardianship so their children can qualify for college financial aid and scholarships.

A cultural history of babies' first words: from barely regarding their utterances to using them to tell children's futures.

It's Metallica's "Enter Sandman" crossed with David Bowie's "Let's Dance," and it works.