Headlines edition

Wednesday headlines: No way once more

The EU finalizes new rules that will likely severely cut vaccine exports to Britain and other countries to ease supply shortages at home. / The New York Times

Germany announces an intensified coronavirus lockdown going into Easter. "We are now basically in a new pandemic." / NPR

Some 60% of Americans are planning to be immunized, if they haven’t been already, but the remainder isn’t shrinking “at the rate we might have hoped.” / The Atlantic

Krispy Kreme will give you a free doughnut every day this year—if you've been vaccinated. / CBS News

Photographs of your cloth Covid mask under an electron microscope. / Moss and Fog

The Republic of Congo's main opposition candidate dies from Covid a day after the presidential election. / France24

In light of the latest mass shooting in the US, The Onion republishes its article headlined “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.” / The Onion

Brief profiles of the 10 lives lost during the King Soopers massacre. / The Denver Post

Anderson Cooper: "The children of Columbine and Aurora are now the parents of Boulder." / Twitter

Less than two weeks ago, a court struck down Boulder’s attempt to ban assault weapons. / VICE

A status report on some of the leading proposals to curb gun violence. Also, “America’s gun problem, explained.” / Wake Up to Politics, Vox

The editor of The Denver Post talks about covering a mass shooting during a pandemic. "My message is to make sure that your staff is ready. Because sadly, it is probably coming." / Reliable Sources

A weekly white paper: "The presence of immigrant students has a positive effect on the academic achievement of US-born students." / National Bureau of Economic Research

Dozens of vessels are stuck after a giant container ship became wedged in Egypt's Suez Canal. / BBC News
Coming soon, a big federal report on what the government knows about UFOs. / The Washington Post

See also: What if a giant banana was orbiting the Earth at the same distance as the International Space Station? What would that look like? / Kottke

Extensive tips on how to become a professional photographer of cars. / Amy Shore Photography

A lengthy appreciation of anime’s craft and cinematic capabilities. / The Morning News

In case you were unaware, Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest. He did not do well. / Flashbak

Today in the Tournament of Books, presented by Field Notes®, will we be red pilled again? / The Tournament of Books