Headlines Edition

Wednesday Headlines: Save the tails.

Human Rights Watch calls the Biden administration's immigration policies with regard to Haitian migrants "abusive and racially discriminatory." / Human Rights Watch

"An unexpected $500 cost is a serious problem for many." What it's like to try and get an abortion in Texas now. / Vox

An explanation of what's going on with the disbarred, out-of-state lawyers suing the Texas doctor who wrote an op-ed about breaking the abortion ban. / The Cut

Dozens of businesses sign an open letter opposing Texas's abortion ban—though Starbucks and Microsoft refused to sign. / Forbes

From Fallopian to Gräfenberg (spot), the women's body parts named for the men who "discovered" them. / The New York Times

Fitness Instagram is a prime example of a social media company shifting blame to users—or at the very least, its algorithm. / She's a Beast

Facebook's next strategy for improving its image: promoting (and even authoring) pro-Facebook stories in the News Feed. / The New York Times

George Holliday, who filmed the LAPD beating of Rodney King, has died at 61 from Covid. / NBC News

New York City deploys a free Covid testing and vaccination van to the UN as leaders and delegates arrive for the General Assembly. / CNN

The unvaccinated Jair Bolsonaro eats pizza on the street in New York, where indoor diners must show proof of vaccination. / The Daily Beast

See also: Brazil's health minister has tested positive the day after meeting Boris Johnson and other British officials. / The Guardian

"I want you back." People leave voicemails for the loved ones they lost on Sept. 11. / Vimeo

Scientists think a single genetic mutation may be the reason we no longer have tails. / The New York Times

An online copy of the 1997 book chronicling the various drug experiences of the chemist and therapist couple who helped popularize MDMA. / Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved

What it's like to take a relaxing, 100-mile stroll. / The Atlantic

Paintings of a clock at different times of day, by Cynthia Daignault. / This Isn't Happiness

A new book of bootleg toys instructs you on how to sculpt and package your own copyright-violating creations. / Creative Boom

Pencil sketches of cutaway buildings with a different horror scene occurring on every floor, by James Lipnickas. / Colossal