Headlines Edition

Wednesday Headlines: Should I quid or should I quo.

In a shocking testimony, a top US diplomat has testified that Trump was indeed engaging in a quid pro quo arrangement with Ukraine, holding back military aid in exchange for investigating Democrats and the Biden family.

Hong Kong has withdrawn the bill that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China, and that sparked months of protests. The unrest will likely continue, however, as the move meets only one of the demonstrators' five demands.

Yesterday, UK lawmakers voted to support Boris Johnson's Brexit agreement, but rejected his timeline to push through legislation ahead of the Oct. 31 deadline. Now, if the EU grants a delay for Britain's departure, Johnson says he'll push for a general election.

"Exxon has been working very hard to prevent this day from ever happening." What to know about the climate fraud case against Exxon, alleging the company portrayed climate risk to shareholders differently in public and private.

Forty-seven states are currently investigating Facebook for possible anti-competitive behavior.

By offering a 10% off coupon to its hacking victims, Zappos joins Equifax and Yahoo in lackluster payouts for data breaches.

A controversial "CRISPR-baby" scientist says he's editing a deaf gene—but will wait for regulatory approval to implant embryos.

"We don’t want people doing research where there is potential for something to suffer." On the ethics of growing brain organoids.

Watch: Simulated human skin coverings for mobile devices and computers enable more tactile inputs—such as tickling.

The Houston Astros staffer who made offensive statements at female reporters is more evidence of Major League Baseball's disgraceful attitude toward domestic violence.

A book is coming from the anonymous author of the New York Times op-ed on the "resistance inside the Trump administration."

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Researchers have determined how the world’s largest geode grew to its massive size of 11 cubic meters. See also: This video about the geode gives you a feel for just how huge it is.

Maps of the locations and median start times of commuters in major US cities.

How Flagstaff and other cities are moving to LED streetlights while remaining dark-sky compliant.

Stunning photos of LED greenhouses in the Netherlands, by Tom Hagen.

It's a bitter pill for Halloween enthusiasts, but: You can't schedule your party after Halloween, because then it is November.

"Hippies started turning up in dandyish frocks; rock bands began to pillage medieval history; and the rest is history. You can probably trace a line from the Patterson’s backyard to Led Zeppelin IV to Burning Man." The history and enduring appeal of Renaissance fairs.

Uncovering the mystery of the "Squeaky Door Ghost," which was planned but never made it to Disney's Haunted Mansion.

Watch: A fascinating dive into deciphering the Commodore 64 code planted in the run-out groove on a 1984 Christian rock record.

Instructions for building your own e-reader.