Headlines edition

Wednesday headlines: The Mueller siege and crypto’s death spiral.

Robert Mueller recommends that Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, not get jail time because of his “substantial assistance.”

Anticipation builds for Mueller’s document dump on Friday, with news outlets trying to connect the dots in a bigger narrative.

Why did Michael Cohen confess to everything? According to friends and associates, because working for Trump ruined his life.

Probably the most informative thing we’ve read recently on Special Counsel’s investigation: “Mueller Is Laying Siege to the Trump Presidency.”

Trump has a habit of wandering away from public events when he isn’t supposed to: a video compilation.

Brett Favre says he’s “sickened” at becoming the latest celebrity to record a video for anti-Semitic groups for $500.

Toy stores try “experience-based retail” to survive—like letting kids “adopt” toy babies (there’s an adoption fee).

From The California Sunday Magazine’s superb new photo issue, pictures of a nostalgic world built for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

In case you weren’t aware, people across the Midwest have cement geese on their front porch and dress them up seasonally.

When spoofs get it right: “Iraq Offers to Help Establish Democracy in North Carolina.”

A reporter on climate change tries to accept that her family’s history in New Mexico may be coming to an end, thanks to climate change.

“Breathers” are a self-identifying subset of people who like to measure hyper-local air quality.

WalMart is deploying 360 autonomous floor-scrubbing robots that clean even when customers are around.

Video: According to a study, a song written in collaboration with sound therapists results “in a striking 65 percent reduction in participants’ overall anxiety.”

Since 1999, America’s suicide rate has climbed 33 percent. Risk factors include isolation, smartphone use, climate change.

Japanese rail stations use blue lights to successfully reduce the number of suicide attempts.

It’s fair to say we have a problem when the mainstream now equates crypto with bubbles, scams and losses. Cryptocurrency has entered a winter of its own making.

A compilation of tweets from people feeling burned during Bitcoin’s death spiral.

“A romantic comedy with an all-Asian cast is not a unique selling point in China.” Crazy Rich Asians bombs in China.