Headlines Edition

Wednesday Headlines: Twenty twenty rabbit rabbit.

Following US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran-backed militias, hundreds of protestors storm the US embassy in Baghdad, chanting "Death to America" and slogans in support of the militias.

See also: Photos from the embassy attack.

The Chinese scientist who created the first gene-edited babies has been sentenced to prison and banned from reproductive medicine.

The year in music: The top albums from the past 12 months according to TMN's Andrew Womack. Here are playlists on Spotify and Apple Music of song picks from each album.

A list of countries with right-wing populist parties in government and those with populist parties whose influence is on the rise.

"It is largely the top 1% that will disproportionately benefit." Corporate lobbyists have gutted the 2017 GOP tax law.

"Almost no one today will earn enough money in their lifetime to not work for 20 or 30 years at the end of their life."

America's addiction treatment shortfalls are tied together by one explanation: stigma. Once it's overcome, solutions materialize.

“The longer people thought the present lasted, the fewer emotions they felt about the future. In contrast, people who believed that the present ended sooner were more likely to make those kind of future-oriented decisions that led to well-being.” Looking to science in an effort to define “right now.”

The climate learning tree shows the many branching views of global warning. Denialism is a dead stump.

Watch: A real-time animation of the Titanic sinking.

Thank you to all our supporters for making TMN and the Tournament of Books happen in 2019. We are grateful for your generosity!

Designer Vaughan Oliver, most noted for his work with the 4AD music label, died this week at 62. “He was fond of clusters of clashing typefaces, in which traditional serifs or creepy scrawls would sit next to cooler, contemporary fonts in little aesthetic scuffles.”

See also: A selection of classic 4AD videos.

From Myspace to AIM to blogs, remembering the internet we lost this decade.

A dataset containing the complete transcriptions of every episode of the US version of The Office.

Han Cao stitches vibrant adornments directly onto found photos.

Watch: A visit to the tiny town of Truth or Consequences, NM, whose spaceport could welcome spaceships as early as next year.

“We were working with a professional recording studio. We went down there one fine day and I spent several hours on the microphone saying, ‘Achtung!’” The story of Silas Warner, the brilliant programmer who created Castle Wolfenstein.

Minimal portraits of people by Salman Khoshroo, made by molding thick layers of paint.