Related: 3D animations show the destructive power of an AR-15 on a human body. / The Washington Post
President Biden again calls for a ban on assault weapons. Evidence suggests other policies may be more effective at preventing gun violence overall. / Vox
"Bedew no man's face with your spittle." Advice from a 13-year-old George Washington. / Lapham's Quarterly
The owners of the Guardian newspaper apologize for their founder's role in transatlantic slavery and announce a "decade-long program of restorative justice." / Barron's
Why do most non-Black Americans oppose reparations? Research suggests a "collective willful ignorance." / NPR
Migrants fearing deportation set their mattresses on fire at a detention center in northern Mexico, killing at least 40 people. / The Associated Press
The last two White Houses have prioritized relocating manufacturing production back to the US—an approach "based on four profound analytic fallacies." / Foreign Policy
Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and other tech leaders call for a six-month pause on training more powerful AI systems. / Quartz
National natural gas companies are fighting small Western communities' attempts to electrify. / Undark
DIY motorbikes, a boon for delivery drivers, pollute 100 times more than cars. / rest of world
Designers create conceptual supermarket products to show what consumption may look like in a world with less water. / dezeen
Suzanne Heywood on how an endless round-the-world sailing voyage robbed her of her childhood. "Do you think we're going to die?" / The Guardian
See also: "The Particular Misery of College-Admissions TikTok." / The New Yorker