
What I Learned From My Summer Job

For this month's ORN, tell us what you learned from a terrible summer job.

Even the worst summer job can teach you something. For instance, always carry an epi-pen. Vaseline is not a substitute for sunblock. On garbage day, take the bus. Summer jobs: Sometimes, there's no knowing how bad it is until it's behind you and you can look back and say, yes, that stockroom was indeed a dusty, drywalled box of matches. This month's Of Recent Note is: What I Learned From My Summer Job Tell us the moral of your worst temporary employment. What did you learn, and why? Send entries (around 150 words each) to by Wednesday, July 28, midnight Eastern time.

TMN Editor Bridget Fitzgerald lives, works, and generally makes merry in San Francisco. More by Bridget Fitzgerald

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