Al Wadj Bank, Saudi Arabia. Credit: NASA.

What good is it to save one fish while we’re still destroying the ocean with pollution and acidification? ...Is a sushi restaurant that serves bluefin under the table any better than an oil company that refuses to talk about climate change?

Mid-century Japanese referred to tuna as not good enough for the cats. Now it’s a delicacy driving bluefin to extinction.
↩︎ The Ringer
Mar 1, 2017

Ocean acidification, sometimes called “climate change’s evil twin,” begins with carbon pollution. That has driven ocean acidity up 30%, making it hard for coral, pterapods, and other ocean creatures to build their exoskeletons.

The bottom of the ocean food chain is basically dissolving, and we’re doing nothing about it.

Climate change is driving fish away from oxygen-poor regions of the ocean. And the oxygen-poor regions are growing.

At the same time that oceans are taking in massive amounts of carbon dioxide, they’re absorbing less oxygen than ever.

The top levels of the ocean are warmer than usual thanks to human-caused climate change. That is leading to an expansion of oxygen-poor hypoxic zones. Fish don’t live in those. Large fish, in particular, are threatened by ocean oxygen loss, with the Pacific and Arctic experiencing the steepest declines.

Mar 1, 2017
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