Mar 3, 2017Will Putin expose the failings of American democracy or will he inadvertently expose the strength of American democracy?
↩︎ The New Yorker
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- “Will Putin expose the failings of American democracy or will he inadvertently expose the strength of American democracy?” Updated Mar 3, 2017 ago
- Wilbur Ross just wanted to make some money in ethically gray areas (that should’ve prevented him from taking office).
- Jeff Sessions’s spokeswoman can’t help but continue to lie.
Wilbur Ross never really set out to collude with the Russians against America, only to make money in ethically gray areas that should’ve prevented him from taking office.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’s damning connections to Russia are fairly conventional-seeming, in that they’re all tied up in Russian-controlled Cypriot banks with difficult-to-establish (but almost certainly existing) connections to Russian intelligence services.
Rex Tillerson’s billions were indirectly supplied by Putin.
Though he’s been silent about nearly everything recently, it’s important to remember that Rex Tillerson’s extremely close personal ties to Russia are supplemented by financial ties he forged in his (very recent) past career.
Obama staffers may have saved us from the Trump presidency by spreading documentation of Trump’s Russia connections.
In case you haven’t seen it, here’s something slightly more fun: This tick-tock Times story of the Obama adminsitration breadcrumbing their evidence of communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
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