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Labor Day is coming soon, and along with it the start of school. But the TMN writers’ children still have a little August reading to do, in this final installment of their book reports.
The Biblioracle will be open today from 1 to 3 p.m. After explaining the secret behind oracling, the Biblioracle takes the last five books you read and tells you what to read next.
Summer yawns ahead, hot and school-free. What better way to spend the afternoon than with a book? The TMN writers’ children fill us in on their latest reads and rethink the endings.
A pro author challenges a pro tennis player to a tournament. A story of dueling, drumming, and one extraordinary victory.
For most of us, assigned summer reading is a distant memory. For the TMN writers’ children, however, it’s time to crack the books—and inform us about scary bits, cover designs, and authors’ advances.
The Biblioracle will be open today from noon to 2 p.m. Still recovering from an outpouring of requests during his last appearance, the Biblioracle will take the last five books you read and tell you what to read next.
Our man in Boston goes the distance with author and New Yorker editor David Remnick in a conversation about President Obama, magazine publishing, and American Idol.
When your publisher won’t pay you for translating a popular German guide to anal sex, don’t take the law into your own hands—take ‘em to court. But which one?
Today we welcome back the Biblioracle, who takes the last five books you read and recommends what to read next.
As lightbulbs are to the moon, first stories are to finished books. John Warmer chats with the writer Philip Graham, his former professor, about finding topics, developing mentors, and reaching readers.
All the magical realism in the world won’t make you good in bed, or so recall the Nobel Prize winner’s escorts.
The Tournament of Books is less than two weeks away. As an appetizer, our official ToB Statistician runs six years of numbers on Round 1. Time to download your brackets and place bets.