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As a street artist, Dan Witz lends wit, color, and grace to New York City. As an oil painter, he seduces outsiders into warm homes and lit storefronts.
Halloween: time for stories of headless horsemen, escaped psychos with hooks for hands, and ghosts other than the white-sheet variety. But the same stories year after year can get a little dull.
I’ve been thinking a lot about beginnings. Partly this is because it is fall and as the child of an academic, autumn is the year’s first season for...
Ghost masks, trampy nurses, and razor-stuffed apples—yes. But Halloween’s true character, as a day to remember the dead, can still sneak up on you.
The search company has asked that people tread lightly when verbing its name—but can it turn away history’s momentum?
On Wednesday night, I went to the Les Freres Corbusier production of Hell House, the right-wing horror show so memorably depicted in George Ratliff’s 2000 documentary of the same name....
We have something important to discuss. Are you listening? Oh, seriously, will you take out your earphones? Yes, both of them.
Staff changes are announced at the world’s most famous magazine, and Drew is handed the axe and told to swing it.
We occasionally invite guests to review the best songs we’ve discovered that week while surfing around the mp3-blog universe. This week, I invited my mother. Ann Baldwin loves...
Harry Skrdla has a wistful eye for old mansions and giant hospitals that have fallen on hard times. Here he tours a country of ruins in the making.
Going under the knife is an arduous, lonely experience, and anyone who will share your pain is welcome. But Donald Rumsfeld? Finding an unlikely medical companion in the Defense secretary.
Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about her new book and the Biafran War, being African in America, and the distorted picture of Africa created by the media.
You are forewarned: This is about me. In a rare paroxysm of self-consciousness I recently spent some time going over (in my head, mind you) my contributions to American literary...
Tuesday at 4 a.m., a clatter awakes me from sleep. In the dark of my living room, I find my cat batting around a small lump—a scrunchie, perhaps, or...
Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. This week we help a young woman work through a desperate situation: What to wear this year on Halloween?
To butter or not to butter: That is the question, and gluttons with high cholesterol should know the correct answer. But when friends organize a gastronomic tour of Paris, who am I to say no?
When Peter Saville created the artwork for Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures he’d never even heard the album now wrapped in what is arguably the work for which he...
Manhattan press events are like so many proms: the bold and beautiful dance all night long, and the rest of us hug the walls. So why does James Beard Award-winner David Leite keep pulling on his blazer?
The White House has a secret that not even an Acme Ultimatum Dispatcher could eke out.
Perhaps there is some truth to the old saw that literary squabbles are so vicious and virulent because they are for such small stakes. Assuming that the dispute around Myra...
Catherine Opie photographs the backbone and the marrow of American cities. These portraits show not only a city’s architecture, but its character.
In a world where everyone is famous, who’s going to do the reporting? Working at a glossy is never easy—especially not with this cast. The first installment in a new series.
So let’s talk, briefly, of the new television season. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip: Have you ever seen comedians be so serious? Typical Sorkin—the show sure can rock...
Bossa nova was developed more than 40 years ago in Brazil, but one of its most lively contributors is working today in Brooklyn. A chat with Vinicius Cantuária about his music, how it’s changed, and what inspires him.
The history of rock may be written by the losers, but this week the losers will have some attention in their hands to point out the decline of Western civilization...
Continuing to pore through Charlotte’s blog leads to some strange revelations, surprising moves, and a conclusion, of sorts.
The family that plays together, stays together—unless they’re playing laser tag.
There was a point at which I experienced great vexation that the steady drumbeat of eyewitness reportage contained by the books of Jon Lee Anderson, George Packer, Thomas Ricks, and...
Every October, placards touting candidates you’ve never heard of litter yards and medians across the nation. Our writer creates his own campaign signs, and invites you to do the same for our Election Day photo gallery.
The Departed is the kind of double-crossing, wiseguy mini-epic for which I will gladly fork over my $15. Plots twisting into gun barrels, brains and blood splashed across the lens—well,...
Adding another log to the public-relations pyre where several corporations recently burned, an exclusive, damning memo from Toys’R’Us.
Having just seen the K Records Documentary, I can now say with authority that music critics do have a place in this world outside of keeping Yo La Tengo in...
Discovering a co-worker’s blog means having to find out if you’ve been written about. Along the way, however, you will learn things you weren’t supposed to know.
A generation ago, the death of a pet prompted heartbreak, but the burial may have been a simple backyard affair. Pet funerals these days are going upscale, and one New York pet crematorium sets a shining example.
Change is good. Change is terrifying. Change achieved by means other than permanent body alteration: priceless. We never plan our redesigns. One day, we’re perfectly content with how the...
Dear TMN, Francey Russell’s recitation of American Male archetypes as expressed through cinema is, as usual for The Morning News, outstanding; however, I am puzzled as to how Ms....
Session after session, congressional battles have us rooting for one side or the other. But it’s not easy to tell who the good (and bad) guys are. A theory by way of He-Man and the Masters of the United States Congress.
You don’t need me to make you aware of such new books as those by Cormac McCarthy, Philip Roth, or Margaret Atwood—the literary press (such as it is)...
You feel like you’ve seen Gerald Förster’s work before. It’s filled with people who seem legendary. But these photographs, shot in locations across the globe in a portable studio, have never been possible until now.