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Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. This week we kick off the first installment of our new feature, The Non-Expert’s Desk, with questions about wedding fashion and canines.
I met Paul Ford for drinks a week ago. We sat in the backyard at Iona, an Irish pub in Brooklyn, where they have a ping-pong table set up under...
Dangerous times call for drastic measures. From mental combat to homemade weaponry, a few good tricks to keep the bad guys away.
New Yorkers, like everyone else, are constantly under attack by illness, anxiety, bad air, and cell phones—but only one is haunted by a giant rat. Tales of transformation, staple gun included.
It’s an acquired taste. It’s a strange delicacy. It’s a “non-alcoholic cereal beverage.”
New Yorkers treat drinking like exercise: done frequently, in the company of friends, and one’s life becomes better. But where to go when you’re tired of the neighborhood dive? We seek out the best of the best: old hotels in Manhattan.
Author Michael Malone – of Foolscap and Justin & Cuddy fame – picks his favorite pork shop, dotes on Carol Burnett, and explains his night-owl writing process.
Once upon a time, music idols were evil enough for your parents to hate them. So what do we have left, now that our demons are as safe as pie?
This, the long-awaited follow-up to 1996’s monumental Endtroducing…, was worth it. Worth every month, worth every day. It’s catchy, it’s spontaneous, it’s gorgeous. (Again) Shadow generates tracks...
In today’s world every cent counts. Make them count even more by learning a thing or two about how to successfully live on a budget. MICHAEL COTTON switches on the desk lamp and flips through your receipts.
Shark attacks, public gaffes, ruining a prom dress: as topics for nightmares, any may cause a bad night’s sleep. But only our writer has survived them all in full daylight, with the help of a few good men.
In the cutthroat world of playwriting, where a good line means the difference between fame and famine, many authors fall victim to the lure of performance-enhancing drugs.
This is a very personal album. A look at singer Jamie Stewart’s message on the cover sticker says it immediately: ’When my mom died I listened to Henry Cowell,...
Big-budget movies require big-budget marketing, and you can bet every second of the trailer is accounted for, in impact. We get the inside scoop on Spielberg’s new flop.
New York City ‘Synth-rock’ duo Shy Child makes a unique type of music, an amalgam of synthesizer and live drums, with energy and precision. They spoke with ANDREW WOMACK about what’s happened, what’s next, and what’s in a genre.
Life in New York is easier with money: someone’s ready to do your bidding, for the right price. But finding the right someone is difficult. The currency required in hiring a good mover, painter, or manicurist.
Meet the Bastards: a collection of the meanest baseball players who ever lived.
Everyone has a friend or relative that’s smarter, more witty, or in Mensa. Few can claim that for their dog.
Three new songs from New York City’s Interpol. Their recent signing to Matador has definitely given them access to higher production values, and it’s immediately apparent, right from...
John Vanderslice—Tiny Telephone studio and MP3 hub owner, ex-MK Ultra lead singer, current solo artist behind the very beautiful Life and Death of an American Fourtracker—answers our questions.
Today’s man has some very real problems, and the magazines he’s reading may be a big reason why.
Rarely should you regret albums you loved in high school. Luckily, our writer had the good sense to love the Pixies, even if they were the devil’s music. Recollections based on the eternal Doolittle.
New York’s fashionably-lit are always looking for the next hot thing in plastic glasses. With the days of Dave Eggers now frozen, and Franzen quickly fading, could writer J.T. LeRoy be it?