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Our proofing team at Horizon Companies has noticed an error in our ways: in a previous note about the movies Shrek and Gone in 60 Seconds, we incorrectly attributed the line ’...
Do I hate to make another Faint album the album of the week so soon? No—not when it’s this good. Intricate, engaging songs make the follow-up to their...
A game: which of the following lines are from Shrek, a children’s movie about ogres and princesses, and which are from Gone in 60 Seconds, an adult movie about cars...
As I was walking back from the deli, I saw a cab pull over on Park Avenue for a businessman with his hand out. The businessman got into the backseat...
A good article with Chris Ware that is strangely titled ‘A Conversation with Charles Baxter.’ Well, I believe that there’s no substitute for actually looking at a human figure...
Tribal, synth-laden—oh, and you better believe it’s avant-garde—this 1981 release from PiL is a head-trip of violence and beauty. John Lydon’s lovely sing-song lyrics carelessly riding atop...
Richard Hatch, the winner of the first Survivor show, was arrested yesterday in a domestic dispute with his boyfriend. How interesting is this? Well, the answer is ‘not too.’ In...
Editor and blogger Maggie Berry answers the five questions with love for Katherine Graham, Dave Eggers, and Nabokov.
Bright, persistent synth-driven pop—just what’s needed to get us all (those in New York, anyway) out of this rain-fueled slump, though the skill with which Vitesse craft these...
Abrasive? Anarchic? Just nuts? I don’t know and I don’t think they ever knew, either—or cared—and in that may be what makes this 1985 release such a...
I love end-of-the-world/paranoia/disaster movies – you know the ones: Planet of the Apes (the original, thanks), The Omega Man, Soylent Green (why these all have Charlton Heston in them...
Overheard conversation on Bedford Avenue: Dude 1: You, like, had an existential crisis when I left and now that I’m back, you’re having another one. Dude 2: Yeah…true.
The five questions for illustrator and web designer Emme Stone.
Warp Records wunderkind Chris Clark will change the way you feel about experimental electronic music. Though continually pushing the envelope, Clarence Park never loses sight of being listenable. Clark’s debut...
Summer is tourist season in New York City and maybe you’re one of them, on a visit to the city, unsure of where to go. Maybe you have recommendations from friends, maybe relatives have ideas for where to go; don’t trust them. Trust us.