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A culinary legend is immortalized in the hearts of critics and parents alike.
The eponymously named tome that serves as the catalog for the Masters of American Comics exhibition at U.C.L.A.’s Hammer Museum and Los Angeles’s MoCA contains work...
List of Lights and Buoys is an eerie album by Norwegian vocals and keyboard duo Susanna and the Magical Orchestra. The music is bare bones with some sporadic distortion and...
London is constantly changing—surviving bombs, rebuilding flats—so what’s there to hold onto when even the subway map’s an abstraction? Our longtime Londoner may notice only what’s missing, but his son sees the city for the very first time.
The conclusion to our writer’s saga of contemporary fatherhood, where all is revealed and most are forgiven, including a postscript with advice for new parents.
Rock music has had its share of two-drummer bands, but how many groups have sported three? Enter Bling Kong, a 15-member Brooklyn power-pop ensemble with a taste for chunky speed-metal...
Dear Rosecrans and Andrew, This Wapshott article in the Telegraph, which you linked to in Wednesday’s Headlines, is spreading like wildfire, and I want to help you understand it...
Maybe you’re feeling especially generous, maybe you did something unforgivable, maybe you’re just loaded. Our shopping expert suggests gifts they’ll remember for years.
Writer and musicologist Tom Piazza weighs in on his adopted city with the poignant Why New Orleans Matters. This book is a bittersweet paean to what is, arguably, the most...
New Yorkers like me believe we’ve got it the best among cities when it comes to dining out, but sadly there’s no Big Apple comparison to Edible San Francisco, a...
It’s a toss-up for what’s worse about Thanksgiving: visiting the family homestead, or simply getting there. Our travel stories.
For a city that prides itself on having every cuisine, New York sure does fail at Tex-Mex. Every Lone Star transplant has the same question: How can I find the...
When novelists are listed among our most despicable citizens, can America claim to love literature? Our man up north talks to author Rick Moody about how we’re all on the same team when we’re reading.
Students of Ian Frazier, fetch your Visas! How many young writers, humor lovers, Tina Brown haters have heard of Veronica Geng? If only for her piece “Love Trouble Is My...
Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. This week we help a forlorn reader determine if her new guy actually looks as good as he talks.
Pocky, a coated stick-biscuit snack, is ubiquitous in Asia. Now that it’s available at ethnic grocery stores in New York and other cities with Asian populations, U.S. youths can...
Since 1980, the Shining Path guerrillas in Peru have been responsible for over 30,000 deaths. So why, now that the organization is effectively dismantled, are the seeds for revolution still being planted?
It is sad, but I slobber over my OJex juicer. Compact, sexually alluring, and easy to clean, it makes me orange juice every morning (when I remember to buy oranges),...
Today a short but glorious career on the base-paths drew to a close. And with it, the future of instructional league baseball appears hazy.
Wintertime: when indoor heat turns your sinuses into Saharan sand cavities and everyone at work drips with plague and pestilence. Suffer the wheezes no more, though, with Fisherman’s Friend lozenges,...
Reality television depends on charismatic contestants, and the Ganz sisters, a pair of identical-twin casting agents, are among its chief suppliers. The first article in a series on the hidden workings of reality TV.
Santa Fe is a small city of tourist squeezers wearing expensive belts, with lots of posh restaurants that were ready to sap my wallet. But among the joints I tried,...
Surviving the delivery is one thing; living through weeks of midnight feedings, particularly when emergencies strike, is much worse. Our writer discovers the ancient conspiracy that keeps expectant parents in the dark.
For the cost of the iPod, one should be able to expect near perfection. Odd, then, that the distinctive white earbuds--which make one a target for envy (and in some...
Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. This week we answer a question that has plagued us all since the day after we invented plumbing.
In 1990, Twin Peaks followers wanted to know who killed Laura Palmer. The producers of the show, on the other hand, may have wanted to know how to make a killing...
Bumping into an acquaintance can change your day in profound ways. This is especially true when your friend has recently died, ascended to heaven, and been reborn as a vagrant.
PocketMod is a free internet app that turns any piece of paper into a customizable, completely portable (and totally disposable) personal organizer, with note pages, grids, calendars, conversion tables, and...
We believe that advertising, when it’s done well, complements a magazine’s contents. It’s true: Some ads are beautiful, and some ads are CLICK HERE FOR A FREE IPOD SHUFFLE NOW...
It’s hard making nature photography vivid, particularly when one man’s vista is another guy’s yawn. A gallery of Iceland pictures from pro shooter Tim Gasperak, plus a chat about how to make your mountain photos special.
If there’s a TMN house band (besides Trail of Dead), it’s Soft, a Brooklyn-based quintet currently blowing up with a finally-released EP. How five guys manage to recreate the Manchester...
To rebuild the Katrina-ravaged Gulf Coast, Mississippi’s governor picked a panel of vaunted New Urbanists to submit plans. But is their nostalgia for small-town America appropriate, nevermind prepared for the task?
I imagine Magdalen Powers living by herself in a tiny cottage in the middle of a deep forest. Birds and wolves prepare breakfast while she sleeps. During the day she...
Our man from New England talks to one of the Carolinas’ favorite sons about the strengths of southern writers, the benefits of teaching welders, and the crushing reality that awaits MFA grads.
It doesn’t really matter which book by Lorrie Moore you pick up first, because they’ll all floor you. Not one of her stories is cozy or cliched. She takes the...
Traveling soon? Melville House Press has released a bunch of classic novellas--everything from Kipling to Edith Wharton to Tolstoy’s The Devil (sexy and tormented), to Stevenson’s The Beach at Falsea ...
November is National Beard Month—but before you stop shaving you’d better have a close look at your options. An explanation of common facial hairstyles, including notes on those best avoided.
The Morning News is seeking a copy editor. This is an unpaid position, but if the willing and able editor lives in New York City, he or she can expect...
In Sheffield, England, Richard Hawley’s hometown, Coles Corner is the place where lovers meet before an evening of romance. No other word could come as close to describing what his...