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We gathered writers and thinkers to consider everything that happened over the past 12 months and asked them: What were the most important events of 2012—and what were the least?
You witness an incident occur directly in front of you. You see every detail. There’s time to help—but should you get involved? A handy guide for photographers.
Predicting the weather is an incredibly complicated task. Stopping it altogether is even more difficult—but that doesn’t mean scientists aren’t trying. Obsession, cloud seeding, and very powerful storms.
North Korea’s prison camps are roundly condemned as heinous, but remain untouched. When an idealistic young reporter takes on a mission to help shut them down—bearing Hemingway and Vollmann in mind—he winds up on the doorstep of the Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea.
A bride disappears on her wedding day, never to be seen again—or will she? Continuing a grand TMN Halloween tradition, our writers and editors craft new endings to a familiar tale.
In this edition of the TMN Weekender, a selection of stories about overcoming our instinct for self-preservation. Ready to read here on TMN or in an e-book you can export...
When you’re a competition-level grocery-store bagger, it’s easy to overlook the messy lives of your co-workers. But when one of them goes missing, and you start to grow up, the picture changes.
Musical therapists can improve patients’ cognitive functioning and motor skills. But sometimes the battle is to keep a mind intact. Avant-garde composition and EKG techno in a London care center.
Galaxies and night skies constructed entirely from ashes, creating a tangible connection to notions of death and what lies beyond our atmosphere.
Read between the lines of a to-do list, and you’ll find an artfully constructed maze of excuses. A challenge to complete five things before the end of summer, or before you die—whichever comes first.
America’s funeral parlors rely on one man to provide the theme music for your grandmother’s memorial service, the pop radio for your cousin’s wake. Welcome to “semi-spiritual” ambient music and the stuff of contemporary mourning.
There is a brand of humor with an inherent meaning so dark that, even though we may wish we hadn’t laughed, we’re programmed to think it’s funny. An explanation of a joke about a pedophile.