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Big-budget films tell us earthquakes are bad, volcanic eruptions can be catastrophic, and meteorite strikes—barring the presence of Bruce Willis—may kill us all. Seeking expert advice on how scared we should be.
As 2012 hatches, many face the new year with trepidation and excitement. Whose political fortunes will shine brightest? Were the Mayans right? Here are startlingly accurate predictions for the year ahead.
On the outskirts of a Ghana slum, young people work in toxic conditions to extract metal from melted-down computers—technology that we’ve discarded, and shipped elsewhere for the dirty work of recycling.
More than a generation of Americans have been urged to save the Earth. A survey of the current climate and every H.G. Wells-inspired geoengineering project shows it’s time to pray for Homo sapiens.
From zombies to aliens to zombie-aliens, the times that, with civilization at its very brink, against all odds—you know the drill.
America weathered Y2K, Viagra junk mails, and Web 2.0. But will it survive the next technological crisis threatening civilization?
Assume all human life within an apartment suddenly and inexplicably vanishes, said human life consisting entirely of me. What happens next?
When the apocalypse comes, when the world ends as we know it, you can bet someone will be updating the Blue.