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Where’s the best party in town? Not here, apparently. After corralling an invitation to the Sunday night shindig thrown by the Bush twins, our good-intentioned correspondent learns how the other half lives and plays.
If your guests are walking all over you, it may be that you look suspiciously like a doormat.
Let the strippers go unpaid, let the motel rooms burn—rock’s only as good as its most depraved leaders are terrible.
Last year you did all your shopping on the drive to grandmother’s house, but this year you’ve got a chance to make good.
Don’t know what to get your (sorta) loved ones for the holidays? Well, there’s always powdered urine.
Why you can’t ask your wedding guests to pay for your mortgage, or their own drinks.
Why is that woman next to you gasping? Oh, dear. You seem to be stepping on her toes. You didn’t even notice, did you?
Advice on relationships: how to call, coo, cuddle, and compete, all by adhering to a decent code of conduct.
You may think that etiquette doesn’t matter, that grapefruit spoons are for sissies and no one should hold the door anymore. Think again, jerk.
Dangerous times call for drastic measures. From mental combat to homemade weaponry, a few good tricks to keep the bad guys away.
Summer is tourist season in New York City and maybe you’re one of them, on a visit to the city, unsure of where to go. Maybe you have recommendations from friends, maybe relatives have ideas for where to go; don’t trust them. Trust us.