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Sports are stupid. Beautiful. Dull. Transcendent. Most of all, they’re more than just games. We assembled sports writers, critics, freaks, and authors to tell us why.
There are plenty of good reasons to ride a train cross-country, but for our correspondent and his attention index, hitting the rails has one purpose: to escape the merciless internet.
What is it about summer that attracts both Eisenhower and the recently engaged? A consideration of the striking similarities between weddings and wars.
Britain’s national superhero has alternately worn a scarf, a leather jacket, and lots of question marks. No longer.
Accountability in education is here to stay—but you try creating tests that equally suit Texans and Hawaiians.
A year after winning the championship, the University of North Carolina’s men’s basketball team is suffering its worst season in recent history. A New York-based Tar Heel laments.
What kind of sound does a single tweet make? Our writer considers the reasons she left Twitter, and what it would take to bring other lapsed Tweeters back online.
This holiday season, your loved ones could play Operation: “Death Panel” Edition, or you could give them a game where somebody besides the government wins.
Thousands of different Lego exist, yet when your seven-year-old asks for “a clippy bit,” you know exactly what to hand him. A breakdown of the atoms of a Lego universe.
A year in Lisbon teaches you more than how to select a decent vinho verde. An ode to the uniquely hopeful, desperate music that’s missing from the usual American fare.
Apple’s iTunes software claims to be a Genius at making mixes. We beg to differ, knowing how mixes should be made, and propose a duel of “Fingertips.”
Next month, one book will be crowned America’s funniest. Reviewing this year’s candidates for the Thurber Prize for American Humor, and tiptoeing through the doo-doo.