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Erik Estrada wants us to buy land, Ron Popeil wants us to shoot our salad. Promising a better life—free of ills financial and otherwise—when infomercials air on a Sunday morning, the effect can be downright spiritual.
Find a new band, listen to the single, expand to a few more songs, then a whole album, then all the albums, and finally, months later, you’ve exhausted their entire catalog—and listened to nothing else in between. Now: Repeat.
Before you know it, married life can become routine. One way to keep things interesting is by trolling video dating services. The consequences may be greater than you think.
Fitting in is hard to do. Left to your own imagination, is it better to be yourself—or be a California Raisin? A tale of fourth-grade woe.
City or country? Weekends of restoration or weeks of relaxation? With one renovated country house behind him, can our food writer take the plunge and finally open a preserves shop in the woods?
Sharing your name with a celebrity can be frustrating, especially when the two of you pursue the same occupation.
Who knew what evil once lurked in our hearts? Arsonists, accomplices, troublemakers all, here are nine lives of crime, cut short.
Laptops make writing easy to produce, and easy to erase. At least with typewriters you’re creating something that, however terrible, lives in the world.
Taking your mom to see male opera singers belt out contemporary pop may not sound all that appealing. But did we mention that they’re totally hot? An evening watching the boy band for baby boomers.
There are many reasons to pepper a celebrity with fan mail: admiration, a sense of kinship, obsession, even boredom. Any are acceptable and all are believable—until you try to explain your motives to others.
When cleaning out your refrigerator, you may encounter a number of unexpected items at the back. But please note: It would be wise to leave unopened the jar labeled “catharsis.”
Those afraid of flying get on a plane to somewhere, while acrophobes take elevators to the tops of skyscrapers. Confronting your deepest fear with a journey through a Parisian lingerie shop.