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Books, movies, shows, albums, artists, clothing, writing instruments, online “services,” ways to cook, things to eat, and more things to digest.
A wedding invitation arrives without an RSVP card, and a bride wonders what to call a female “best man.”
Of interest lately are special books, catchy songs, lovely clothes, and a slew of other wonderful items we’ve collectively enjoyed the last few weeks, and now wish to pass along for your very own summer pleasure.
“Grits” only sound edible if you know what they are; and even then you could argue otherwise. An Australian guesses what’s in the boxes of our popular foods.
Last year you did all your shopping on the drive to grandmother’s house, but this year you’ve got a chance to make good.
Teenagers: They’ve got cell phones, credit cards, and brand identities. A review of Alissa Quart’s Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers finds a shared past not too dissimilar, and a terrifying prospect that may lie ahead of us all.
Hail spring! May flowers are just around the corner, bringing new occasions to look dashing. Advice on lightweight suits (nice), scuba gear (when underwater), and seersucker (not yet).
If you look like you just got some, it’s sexy. If you’re dressed like you’re out to get some, it’s slutty. Ignore the distinction.
Forget about your butt; consider your jewelry. (You can change it a hell of a lot faster.) A look at the history of accessories.
Don’t know what to get your (sorta) loved ones for the holidays? Well, there’s always powdered urine.
Why have hats fallen out of favor? After all, if you choose your headgear well, no one will notice what else you’re wearing.
Thanksgiving’s over, Chanukah’s in full swing, and Christmas is right around the corner. Our recommendations for what to get that special someone, i.e., yourself.