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‘Tis the season of graduation ceremonies, when many will be told it’s the first day of the rest of their lives. We offer the ultimate commencement speech.
You’ve seen the warning signs—now’s the time to do something about it. A step-by-step guide on how to rid yourself of a hipster infestation.
Tired of having your work rejected by editors left and right? The Frustrated Amateur Writers Network may be just what you need to jump-start your writing career. They won’t be able to get you published—but they can help you feel better about it.
Nothing satisifies quite like home improvement, especially after you’ve ripped the wall out of your bathroom. A short guide to avoiding complete catastrophe.
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: Your child goes missing only days before you try and claim him as a dependent on your tax return. A tale of loss and capital gains.
It’s true that this year’s South by Southwest music festival brought a number of unlikely musical pairings to the stage. Few were as unlikely as Joey Lawrence and Raekwon. (Whoa!)
Being drunk may be fun, but being drunk and knowing the big Guy approves is even better. Matching historical fact and too much beer to decide which holiday offers the bigger hangover.
At the rager the chicks come and go, talking about art or something. In time for a hundred hip-hop-hoorays, a frat-boy adapation of T.S. Eliot’s “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”
United we stand. In line. At the cash register… If there’s one issue Americans can rally around, it’s consumption. We all want stuff. Lots of stuff. As much as our wallets and purses will allow, and usually more.
You’ve received the credit card statements, the cancelled checks, the postcards from Aruba. But only at the end of a case of identity theft will you discover how much was really taken from you.
Between rescuing Joaquin Phoenix from a car wreck and dodging bullets during an interview, German director Werner Herzog leads a dramatic life. According to his private diaries, we shouldn’t be surprised.
The winter 2006 tour journal of the Piano Men, North America’s only five-member Billy Joel tribute band.