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Why are so many news shows so dully casted—except for the flamboyantly named superhero in front of the blue screen? The top 10 best-named weathermen currently rescuing the news.
Just because a film wins awards doesn’t mean the critics liked it. In fact, they frequently said it was trash—before the statue arrived. From 2006, highlights of scorn levied at eight years of Oscar winners.
After a year of music, thousands of hours of listening time, and one worn-out iPod, Andrew Womack brings us his picks for the very best music this year.
The praise of professional critics hardly matters to the book-reviewing readers at A compilation of the best of the worst… about the best.
When a critic slams Bravo’s new take on Battle of the Network Stars, our writer remembers what made the first one worth a do-over. As it turns out, while the show could be remade, it could hardly be revived.
There were thousands of albums released by thousands of artists in 2004, so it must be hard to determine which were the 10 greatest, right? No, not really.
Classical music was said to be dead in the 14th century, so why are we still holding it hostage? We talk with New Yorker music critic Alex Ross about the state of the art, which composers might appeal to different segments of rock fans, and exactly what he listens to at dinner.
Roaming Italy for a perfect risotto, or sampling the new Bordeaux while staying in four-star resorts—the life of a food and travel writer rarely evokes pity. But is that only because its hardships haven’t been explained?
The iPod got a lot of use this year. After hundreds of albums and thousands of hours of listening to music, Andrew Womack narrows it all down to his top 10 albums of 2003. Here are his findings.
Teenagers: They’ve got cell phones, credit cards, and brand identities. A review of Alissa Quart’s Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers finds a shared past not too dissimilar, and a terrifying prospect that may lie ahead of us all.
Is the iPod better than sliced bread. No, is it really better than sliced bread?
Four TMN writers get their paws on something and give their reviews. This time it’s an album from Chicago band Exo, selected by Kevin Guilfoile.