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TMN Editor Liz Entman has lived in St. Louis, New York, and Nashville. She sweats the small stuff, like hyphens and commas, and has a day job, but won’t bore you with the details.
I have to admit I’m a little sorry to see the long nights of winter go. I suppose I’m so conditioned to be working during daylight...
On Monday the high court announced it would add a second affirmative action case to its docket, that, The Week reports, “has observers wondering if they’re preparing...
Ten years on, it seems like the only judgment left to be made about our Iraqi boondoggle is how much of a disaster it was. The war’s anniversary...
Francis is a Jesuit committed to a modest lifestyle; back home he eschewed the trappings of rank in lieu of living in a simple apartment and taking the bus. ...
This comes less than two weeks after the chain had to pull its signature Swedish meatballs from the menu, after horsemeat was found in those as well, and two days...
And then say no more, because there are more important things to talk about, like the financial trouble faced by the visual effects shops responsible for creating much of...
Over at Vulture, Brian McGreevy pleads with Girls fans (and critics) to stop calling Lena Dunham “brave” for daring to appear en deshabille onscreen despite her clinically average...
So, since it was also Valentine’s Day this week, here are five stories of complicated love from the TMN archives. Ready to read here on TMN or in...
But as justifiable as lip syncing was in Beyoncé’s case—hell, I would have lip synced to Beyoncé’s voice, too—it can...
Incidentally, I happen to have a cold, which is apparently much less interesting to the New York Times. What is interesting, however, is this collection of five wonderful pieces about...
Even if you grow up crushing on the jets in Top Gun—and not Tom Cruise—it can be tough to preserve a dream of defending your country from a plane. But some girls do.
But, in the interest of looking forward, here are four stories about predicting the future. Ready to read here on TMN or in an e-book you can export to your...