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The media has labored to stress the humility of the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church. But somehow they missed his taste for Burt Reynolds movies, and other signs of holy humbleness.
Good book clubs rely on commitment, Sauvignon Blanc, and the pruning of members with annoying habits. Unfortunately, sometimes those members are homicidal maniacs. From March, a primer on how to tell.
Even as the Roman Catholic world prepares to welcome its 267th leader, the papacy remains mysterious and misunderstood. It’s time to explore the world of popes!
Former Pope Benedict XVI has left the Vatican, returning to his former life. But even with the church’s retirement package, how can private citizenship compare? A poem for Mr. Ratzinger.
Yesterday morning, a plane landed at an airport. A man who was or was not a famous actor, and a writer who was or was not in love with him, stood on the verge of finally meeting. A Valentine’s Day story for the romantic and/or foolish at heart.
Ever since Lance Armstrong told Oprah about his persistent doping, lying, and just plain being mean, celebrities are lining up for their own public confessions. Starting with Breaking Bad’s Walter White.
The White House recently turned down a petition to build a Death Star. More responses from the official rejection pile.
All parents like to believe their children are special. But horse breeders know better: Progeny can be unique, but for very particular reasons. How to be more honest about your offspring and their ability to finish in the money.
Already 2013 has seen America drive off the fiscal cliff, only to freeze momentarily, then either reverse in mid-air or drop straight into the canyon—depending on how you look at it. Here’s more of what to expect over the next 12 months.
‘Twas the day before Christmas, when all through the house still no presents were purchased—again, you’re a louse. Gift ideas for the ungifted.
This is the essay for your community college poetry class, the essay that encapsulates your thoughts on the assigned work in written form, the essay you started this morning, the essay that is due today.
You witness an incident occur directly in front of you. You see every detail. There’s time to help—but should you get involved? A handy guide for photographers.