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It’s difficult to make friends in the middle of warfare, but the least you can do is try. Join the existentialist as he rapidly descends through his tour of duty.
The tickets cost too much, the band didn’t play long enough, somebody keeps stealing my seat, and the drunk guy is annoying me and my girlfriend. A letter to whoever is in charge.
What looks better with sandbags—marigolds or bluebonnets? A privied look at how the decisions are made on what to plant and where, and ways to beautify a bollard.
Many actors have attempted to wear the mantle of 007—and many have had their licenses to kill revoked, and not just because of suspicious accents. Here are the reasons why they lost the coveted role, with grievances aired by cast and crew.
Tired of that gas-guzzler you’ve got parked in the driveway? Perhaps it’s time you drank the antifreeze and experienced the future of the universe, and your reality too.
Reality television has been popular for a lot longer than you might think, and it’s only going to get bigger. Once we get rid of the news networks and install an awards show, that is. Our writer broadcasts a signal from the Wellys.
Season one of The Cosby Show if Cliff Huxtable habitually drugged and subsequently fondled select bit players.
What’s that? You still don’t have a TiVo? Ahh, you must have some questions about the technology before you take the plunge.
Space: the final frontier of delicious cooking! Our writers have an exciting new idea for a cookbook that has out of this world recipes that are universally appealing. Get ready, because it’s T-minus 10 to tasty!
The White House has found trouble in recent weeks with its security appointments, so the president boldly takes a new approach. Our writer reports on Andy Warhol’s installation as the ultimate (and silvery) homeland defense.
Ever wonder why your life’s not more like Mel Gibson’s? Ever think maybe it’s because he gets better narration? Pasha Malla and Mike Baker bring us a batch of movie trailers scripted for real-life scenarios.
The popular and controversial hip-hop song asks a lot of questions, though it doesn’t get many answers.