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His father is known as a cheerful correspondent, while his predecessor just released a thousand-page memoir. How will Dub-Dub be remembered when his papers are collected?
America hasn’t been the same since Bob Hope died. Now—at war around the world—when we need him most, who will challenge the pompous and self-righteous?
Wherever there is trouble, from marketing to marsupials, they will protect. Super-genius and superhero Dick Smith hatches a new era of costumes and secret identities.
No film set exists without its share of gags and accidents, even the filming of Mel Gibson’s crucifixion epic. A transcript of scenes that may never make it onto the DVD edition.
Action movies may seem old hat these days, but they had to start somewhere. We go back to the pre-Schwarzenegger years, when a movie audience thirsty for speed and thrills could only turn to My Dinner With André.
We all knew she was smart and provocative, but can she be sexy? Learning a thing or two about vernacular and innuendo on a steamy night out with the paper of record.
After taking off on a top-secret Thanksgiving Day jaunt to Baghdad, President Bush appears to be on a mission to be the Badass-in-Chief. Or are there other motives at work? Our writer chases the paper trail.
It’s nearly Halloween, time for ghosts, treats, and hours of time invested in what invariably winds up splattered down your block. Yes: the season-o-Jack. Here’s how to cut your gourd.
Hearing about Howard Stern and a bevy of strippers is no big surprise for the radio-savvy, but David Brancaccio and a goat getting clinical? Here are the clips not included in your regular broadcast.
Life in Gotham becomes so insular occasionally, we wonder why scientists aren’t working on special inventions to make our lives easier. Luckily, the TMN engineers are on the case.
When the apocalypse comes, when the world ends as we know it, you can bet someone will be updating the Blue.
It’s Oscar time again. But before you drop your paycheck in the office pool on who will snag Best Supporting Whatever, peruse these dead-on predictions for the winners.